Love the style of this helmet and the functionality of it. Feels very secure when wearing, loads of comfortable padding inside. I do wish the tinted visor was somewhat darker so that my face is not visible. This helmet has great airflow and with the function of allowing the chin portion to be removed is such a great part. overall very happy with this purchase. Definitely recommend!
It's a nice helmet but the size is extremely small I wear an XL in every helmet Ive wore but this helmet in a xl is more like a medium to large I've tried contacting to return the helmet and swap for a bigger one but can't seem to get any help in this matter? I would recommend but having a hard time doing so maybe if someone can help me get this issue resolved so I'm not stuck with a helmet that doesn't fit I can re consider recommending
Helmet came quick, looks great and wears well. I had to reglue trim on the chin guard but other than that fit and finish is very good. Wish the Helmet had come with a quick latch but overall it's a nice lid
Package came quick and was better then expected . It's hard to trust sites online these days but this was a great product for a great price . D.O.T was a bonus :) very happy looking for a jacket at the moment
First off this helmet is very noisy on the highway. But on the price point it's a nice helmet and very light weight. For the price I definitely recommend. Also very cool looking